Cycle Meeting'S! x 2
Dear - everyone!
Please feel free, if you are able, to join a meeting with the Felixstowe Cycling Group TONIGHT Wednesday 16th November at Felixstowe Library @ 19:30... if you can make it - sorry for the short notice - wanted to check if there was a lot of us if thats ok - more the merrier! Hope to see you there to discuss the future of both our groups - maybe a 'rides' group & a 'campaigns' group meeting separately but under the same banner/ name? Come along & help figure it out or leave a note here for us to take along,
Oh - and our own Cycle Felixstowe meeting will be 24th November 19:30 at the library where we'll be discussing the proposed merging stuff too - look forwards to seeing you at one, the other, or both :)
Thanks for reading, have a good day