24 Hour Cycle Challenge
Next weekend we are staging the 24 Hour Cycle Challenge 2019. Here is the official poster for the 24 hour cycle challenge.
Cycle Felixstowe joins Felixstowe Carnival!
Dates for your diary: Carnival meeting: 13th July @ Orwell Hotel, 7pm Cycle Felixstowe Joins Felixstowe Carnival! ✨✨Carnival meeting...
24 Hour Event Update & Upcoming Rides & Events, Summer 2017
Firstly - THANKS to all who contributed to the £370.60 we raised in whatever way you did- your donations, cycle displays, raffle prizes,...
**Cycle Felixstowe: Important meeting @ Sunday 11am - March minutes/ Constitution Meeting/ membershi
Hello & thanks for reading! We have been working hard to progress things with the group, but Cycle Felixstowe is nothing without your...
Busy February! Rides & Meetings (x2!)
Rides February 11th - Saturday @ 09:00 ALL abilities Welcome - Mostly off road ride from the Pier (Landguard/ south side) along the Prom...
January Meeting & Social Rides
Social Rides for Sunday 22nd January: Two group rides! 09:30 - Prom- short flat & road-less (almost) ride for all abilities from the...
Social Cycle - All ages, all abilities - 4th December 2016
Hi - so! We are meeting outside the Fludyers Hotel, Felixstowe IP11 7LU at 10am and cycling along the promenade (with a slight detour...
Cycle Meeting'S! x 2
Dear - everyone! Please feel free, if you are able, to join a meeting with the Felixstowe Cycling Group TONIGHT Wednesday 16th November...
Cycle Felixstowe October Meeting & Agenda
Hi - so - the library is booked for Wednesday October 19th at 19:30 - 21:30 - hope you can make it... In the meantime take a look at the...
First Meeting - summary
We had our first meeting last Thursday 15th September at Felixstowe Library - thank you all who attended & gave suggestions via chats...